The Owner

Operation room technician

Become a part of Professional Reliable Nurses, Inc.™ history

Find out how we began and join our journey on becoming a part of our team

Jennifer Seguancia, RN, MSN, President

How Professional Reliable Nurses, Inc.™ all began

Many years ago, I was a young 19 year old mother of a beautiful baby boy. I remember at the time I was making $7 an hour and commuting 75 miles a day to my job in Los Angeles. I had never even thought of going to college until "he" was born. Being so young, so uneducated, and barely making rent, I knew I had to make a change.

I decided to go back to school and become an RN. My mother in law was an LVN and encouraged me to pursue this endeavor. Once I had decided to go back to school, I was dedicated. The years in nursing school proved brutal, but I made it! I was so eager to learn as much as I could and as fast as I could.

Once out of school, I started at a small community hospital on the Telemetry floor. What an experience! After a year, I started training simultaneously at two different facilities, in ICU and Labor and Delivery. For many years I kept up both jobs and worked an average of six days a week......and I loved it! As the years went on, I migrated closer and closer to Labor and Delivery and a little further from ICU (although I wouldn't give it up completely). I absolutely loved the autonomy I had at the facility I worked at.

I soon explored the Emergency Room and the adrenaline rush was addicting. Eventually I found myself covering shifts for the House Supervisor, finding myself less and less on the floor. My heart yearned to be back out there with all my friends and co-workers. There is nothing like direct patient care. I decided to go back full time to Labor and Delivery and have "fun" again, and did just that.

I worked night shift for most of my career and decided it was time to go back to the land of the living (you night shift workers know exactly what I mean by that). Fifteen years and 7 children after the start of my nursing career, I decided to join those "day shifters" and started Professional Reliable Nurses, Inc.™

A few years later, I went back to school and obtained my Master's in Nursing Education and then on to receive my Family Nurse Practitioner certificate. I enjoy being a nurse and never want to lose that one-to-one patient interaction. I also love to encourage other nurses to achieve their personal goals; whether it be furthering education or spending more time with family.

Nurses take care of everyone else in their life and spend so little time caring for themselves; I wanted to help take care of them. Nurses need more freedom in their schedule, more money in their pockets and more time with their family -- so here we are! The difference between Professional Reliable Nurses, Inc.™ and other registries is that we are dedicated to giving you that personalized care and attention that you deserve. You aren't "just another nurse" to us.....we want you to be a part of our team!

Jennifer Seguancia MSN, FNP-C
Owner - Professional Reliable Nurses, Inc.™

Become a part of our story and join our team today. Call now!


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